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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-23269

[ALL LANG] Unlocalized strings in MicroProfile Config -> Config Sources.


    • False
    • False
    • +
    • Hide

      Steps to Reproduce:
      1. Install EAP XP 4.0 CR1 build, and start standlone microprofile from terminal.
      2. Go to http://IP:9990/console/index.html
      3. Click Configuration from the top navigation bar.
      4. Click on Subsystems from left under Configuration.
      5. Click Microprofile Config under Subsystem, and click View to check the details for Config Sources.
      6. Perform & check in search bar.

      Actual results:

      [ALL LANG] Unlocalized strings in MicroProfile Config -> Config Sources.

      Expected results:
      They should be localized.

      Additional info:

      Please see the attached screen-shot.

      Steps to Reproduce: 1. Install EAP XP 4.0 CR1 build, and start standlone microprofile from terminal. 2. Go to http://IP:9990/console/index.html 3. Click Configuration from the top navigation bar. 4. Click on Subsystems from left under Configuration. 5. Click Microprofile Config under Subsystem, and click View to check the details for Config Sources. 6. Perform & check in search bar. Actual results: [ALL LANG] Unlocalized strings in MicroProfile Config -> Config Sources. Expected results: They should be localized. Additional info: Please see the attached screen-shot.

          hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
          rhn-engineering-lijli Lijun Li
          0 Vote for this issue
          4 Start watching this issue
