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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-23028

[7.4.z.] DB instructions wrong when installing JDBC driver as core module


    • Bulk 106- Nov 19 - Dec 3, Bulk 106 - Dec 4 - Dec 18, Bulk 107- Dec 19 - Jan 3, Bulk 107- Jan 4 - Jan 15, EAP DOC Sprint 6 :March 15- 26, EAP DOC Sprint 7:Mar29 - Apr 9

      Description copied from BXMSDOC-4501 (link to comment):

      Once you find the place to add the on the resulting page - https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.2/html/configuration_guide/datasource_management#install_a_jdbc_driver_as_a_core_module Step 12.3.2 – it states that in the management interface go to Configuration->Subsystems->Datasources&Drivers->Datasources. There is no Subsystems sub choice once the configuration page is loaded. Image attached. Further the command line commands will get the database in as a datasource, but you will not be able to connect to it because there is nothing to insert or provide login information to said database.

      evidently EAP can support LDAP out of the box so why not show steps to get that working properly?


      • This is a customer-facing issue.
      • In BXMSDOC-4501, it is indicated that 7.3 is also affected. Please investigate and clone if needed.

        1. Screenshot from 2020-08-27 16-11-45.png
          276 kB
          Satyajeet Munje
        2. management_interface.PNG
          102 kB
          Satyajeet Munje

              shipsing@redhat.com Shipra Singh
              rhn-support-smunje Satyajeet Munje
              Martin Svehla Martin Svehla
              Martin Svehla Martin Svehla
              Dhruv Soni
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
