Resolution: Done
Add a 'noCompile' profile that disables standard compilation (and test compilation) execution.
Intended use is for test jobs where one step does a build with one JDK and then another step does test executions with another JDK. So we want to see how we run on the later JDK, not what happens when we compile with it. During the part using the other JDK, simply specifying the 'test' phase still results in earlier phases like 'compile' and 'testCompile' running, and those shouldn't be allowed to determine that things need recompilation and recompile them. So use this profile to turn off the actual compilation.
Just using the 'surefire:test' goal would also have the effect of preventing compilation, but in my experiments with that it seems to result in profile settings being ignored.
Specifically I want to use this profile when testing with later JDKs like 15/16/17.
- clones
WFLY-14753 Add a profile to disable compilation to facilitate testing with a different JDKs
- Closed
- is cloned by
JBEAP-23370 (xp-4.0.z) Add a profile to disable compilation to facilitate testing with a different JDKs
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-22393 (7.4.z) [wildfly-core-eap] Add a profile to disable compilation to facilitate testing with a different JDKs
- Closed