Resolution: Done
EAP DOC Sprint 3: Feb 1-Feb 12, EAP DOC Sprint 4:Feb 15-Feb 26, EAP DOC Sprint 5:March 1- 12, EAP DOC Sprint 6 :March 15- 26, EAP DOC Sprint 7:Mar29 - Apr 9, EAP DOC Sprint 8:April 12 - 23, EAP DOC Sprint 14:July5-July19, EAP DOC Sprint 15:Jul19-Jul30, EAP DOC Sprint 16:Jul29-Aug12, EAP DOC Sprint 17: Aug 16-27
Convert the Patching guide (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.3/html/patching_and_upgrading_guide/index) to follow modular guidelines
Exit Checklist:
[ ] Evaluate EAP guide titles:
Evaluate all of the EAP documentation guide titles and consider renaming to be more consistent with each other. Specifically:
- The security guides that start with "How To..."
- The guides with JBoss EAP in the title - some spell out the whole product name, others use the shortened version.
[ ]Use non-breakable space between the product name and its version in eap-release-notes, server-migration-tools and eap-openshift repos
[ ] Limit heading levels to 3. There should not be any headings deeper than 3 levels.
[ ] Add chapter about leaving feedback to all guides