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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-20801

(7.3.z) EJBCLIENT-396 EJB communication hangs after interrupts of long running ejb calls


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      Start a new thread and make a remote ejb call to get big result.

      Interrupt the thread while the server sends response.

      The effect is the "task" thread processing send of the response is blocked indefinitely.

      Attached in the patch is a test class demonstrating the issue.

      Start a new thread and make a remote ejb call to get big result. Interrupt the thread while the server sends response. The effect is the "task" thread processing send of the response is blocked indefinitely. Attached in the patch is a test class demonstrating the issue.

      We have a client application which does ejb calls to the server to retrieve detailed data for user selected item. The call is performed in a separate thread. When user choses different item, before the previous result is returned, we interrupt the previous thread and run a new ejb call. After over then 80 (output messages limit) of such calls the communication hangs. No more ejb calls can be processed for that session.

      It happens only with big responses from the server, as when the server fills in the output window, it waits for ACK or CLOSE from the client. The client side, when interrupted, never sends such message and the server side thread is blocked until the whole channel is closed. Those thread are blocked in org.jboss.remoting3.remote.OutboundMessage$1.accept(OutboundMessage.java:114)

      I've been able to create a test case, demonstrating the issue - in attached file and patch (4.0.12.Final).

      The patch contains also a proposal for fix - close the message on exception: in /org/jboss/ejb/protocol/remote/EJBClientChannel.java:1227 the discardResult();

      } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException ex) {
         throw new EJBException("Failed to read response", ex);

      The same scenario fails on master.

              mshikalw Moulali Shikalwadi
              rhn-support-bmaxwell Brad Maxwell
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
