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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-20728

Doc RN for Transaction recovery can not work in the context of Bootable Jar


      During work on the EAP Operator support for Bootable Jar, we encountered an issue related to transaction recovery.

      To be able to perform transaction recovery when the application scales down its pod, the EAP Operator is stopping the EAP server and restart it with different settings for the transaction manager to perform recovery.
      This is not possible with Bootable Jar that does not support server restart (the server lifecycle is bound to the pod lifecycle.

      This means that any customers using Bootable Jar can not properly scale down their applications with a proper transaction recovery.

      This limitation would require change in the transaction subsystem (or Narayana) to be able to perform recovery without requiring a server restart (WFLY-12610 has already been filled about this).

      This should be mentioned in the Release Notes of EAP XP 2 as well as the product documentation for Bootable Jar.

              dfitzmau@redhat.com Darragh Fitzmaurice
              jmesnil1@redhat.com Jeff Mesnil
              Fabio Burzigotti Fabio Burzigotti
              Fabio Burzigotti Fabio Burzigotti
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
