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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-20719

Add information about configuring JMS bridges to AMQ


      There is a chapter on configuring JMS bridges in general: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.3/html-single/configuring_messaging/index#configuring_jms_bridges

      This chapter contains an example of a JMS bridge configuration, but this example will not work with AMQ out of the box. As AMQ is an RH product, the documentation should contain setup which can be used to integrate EAP and AMQ, which will work out of the box.

      Furthermore, I suggest that this new content should answer more than just the basic questions:

      • What is the purpose of java.naming.factory.initial and java.naming.provider.url?
      • What is the purpose of connection-factory in the JMS bridge configuration, and what are valid values? Why will RemoteConnectionFactory throw a javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: RemoteConnectionFactory exception, even though it's listed in the generic example?
      • What ports should I use with which context factory class? Why do some schemas don't work with some context factory classes?
      • What will the error message look like if I don't configure this correctly, and how do I find out what I did wrong?
      • Is there some setup necessary on the side of AMQ?

      This is related to a customer ticket. Here are some resources on the topic:

      I am also attaching the setup that worked for me, after some trial and error:

      jms-queue add --queue-address=jmsBridgeSourceQueue --entries=[queue/jmsBridgeSourceQueue jms/queue/jmsBridgeSourceQueue java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/jmsBridgeSourceQueue]

            shipsing@redhat.com Shipra Singh
            rjanik@redhat.com Richard Janik
            Martin Svehla Martin Svehla
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
