Resolution: Done
There is an issue with the current https://code.engineering.redhat.com/gerrit/gitweb?p=jboss-eap/quickstarts.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/xp-2.0.0.GA-CR1 release, all documentation within the quickstarts refer XP1 images/templates instead of XP2.
:ImagePrefixVersion: eap-xp1 :ImageandTemplateImportURL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-openshift-templates/eap-xp1/
$ oc new-app --template={ImagePrefixVersion}-basic-s2i {backslash} -p EAP_IMAGE_NAME=jboss-eap-xp1-openjdk8-openshift:1.0 {backslash} -p EAP_RUNTIME_IMAGE_NAME=jboss-eap-xp1-openjdk8-runtime-openshift:1.0 {backslash} ...
oc replace --force -f {ImageandTemplateImportURL}jboss-eap-xp1-openjdk8-openshift.json ---- + This command imports the following imagestreams and templates: * The JDK 8 builder imagestream: jboss-eap-xp1-openjdk8-openshift * The JDK 8 runtime imagestream: jboss-eap-xp1-openjdk8-runtime-openshift ...
These are the least important, but since we have an variable for ImagePrefixVersion, we could use it also here
- terminal - you can get the name of your running pod with `oc get pods` (it will be something \ like `eap-xp1-basic-app-1-vpfdn`) and by executing `oc rsh {pod-name}` (oc rsh eap-xp1-basic-app-1-vpfdn) \ - UI - In the Openshift console navigate to the `Topology` tab and click your application (`eap-xp1-basic-app`). Open the `Resources` tab and click the pod name under the `Pods` tab (it will be something like `eap-xp1-basic-app-1-vpfdn`). Now just click the `Terminal` tab and you will get a terminal into the pod.
- blocks
CLOUD-3860 EAP XP 2.0 OpenShift Image Release
- Closed
- is cloned by
WFLY-14228 xp-2.0.0.GA-CR1 documentation within the quickstarts refer XP1 images/templates instead of XP2
- Closed
- is related to
JBEAP-20647 Update the Using Eclipse MicroProfile with JBoss EAP XP 2.0.0 guide to work with XP2 OCP images instead of XP1
- Closed
JBEAP-20724 jboss-eap-xp2 quickstart documentation is using a wrong (1.0) image stream tag
- Closed