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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-20322

(7.3.z) WFCORE-4923 - read-resource operation does not resolve expressions recursively

      The problem affects all versions. The wildfly controller does not resolve expression resursively which causes improper behaviour of the jbos CLI.

      [standalone@localhost:9992 /] /subsystem=batch-jberet:read-resource(include-runtime=true,recursive=true,resolve-expressions=true)
          "outcome" => "success",
          "result" => {
              "restart-jobs-on-resume" => true,
              "security-domain" => undefined,
              "default-job-repository" => "in-memory",
              "default-thread-pool" => "batch",
              "in-memory-job-repository" => {"in-memory" => {}},
              "jdbc-job-repository" => undefined,
              "thread-factory" => undefined,
              "thread-pool" => {"batch" => {
                  "active-count" => 0,
                  "completed-task-count" => 0L,
                  "current-thread-count" => 0,
                  "keepalive-time" => {
                      "time" => 30L,
                      "unit" => "SECONDS"
                  "largest-thread-count" => 0,
                  "max-threads" => expression "${batch-max-threads}",
                  "name" => "batch",
                  "queue-size" => 0,
                  "rejected-count" => 0,
                  "task-count" => 0L,
                  "thread-factory" => undefined

      The missing recursive expression resolvation also causes runtime errors in the wildfly console (HAL) if you use properties your configuration XML-s (standalone.xml, domain.xml, ...) Two examples can be found in the attachements.

      The solution would be only adding the


      line after


      in the doExecuteInternal method of the


      The wildfly console (HAL) source code is also buggy, which when creates an operation like this

      Operation operation = new Operation.Builder(address, READ_RESOURCE_OPERATION)

      in several places I found does not contain the line

      .param(RESOLVE_EXPRESSIONS, true)

      and this will cause unresolved expressions to be returned and later numeric error to be thrown while trying to read them.

              istudens@redhat.com Ivo Studensky
              rhn-support-bmaxwell Brad Maxwell
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
