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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-20172

use actual value of groupId when importing jboss-eap-parent with import scope


      jboss-eap-parent artifact is being imported (import scope) in the dependency management section in the root pom.xml and the groupId of jboss-eap-parent is defined as ${project.groupId}.

      If, for example, you try to use the XP2 pom as a parent of a different project, the ${project.groupId} is going to be resolved as the groupId of this project and not the value that it should be (org.jboss.eap)

      To avoid this problem, I suggest changing this variable to the actual value org.jboss.eap instead of using ${project.groupId}

            rguimara Roberto Oliveira
            rguimara Roberto Oliveira
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