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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-1980

replication-colocated HA toplogy doesn't work with master configuration


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      Create replication-colocated topology on two nodes with configuration below:
      <replication-colocated backup-port-offset="500" request-backup="true">
      <master check-for-live-server="true"/>
      <slave restart-backup="true" max-saved-replicated-journal-size="100"/>
      result: no backups will be announced for live servers

      If you create topology with this config:
      <replication-colocated backup-port-offset="500" request-backup="true">
      <slave restart-backup="true" max-saved-replicated-journal-size="100"/>
      result: backups will be anounced

      Create replication-colocated topology on two nodes with configuration below: <replication-colocated backup-port-offset="500" request-backup="true"> <master check-for-live-server="true"/> <slave restart-backup="true" max-saved-replicated-journal-size="100"/> </replication-colocated> result: no backups will be announced for live servers If you create topology with this config: <replication-colocated backup-port-offset="500" request-backup="true"> <slave restart-backup="true" max-saved-replicated-journal-size="100"/> </replication-colocated> result: backups will be anounced

      When replication-colocated topolgy is configured on server and
      <master check-for-live-server="true"/>
      configuration is set, HA topology is not created at all.

            rh-ee-ataylor Andy Taylor
            okalman@redhat.com Ondřej Kalman (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
