Resolution: Done
Some tests fail when Eclipse OpenJ9 is the JVM. In most cases there are specific changes for the IBM J9 JVM which can be ported over to support both Eclipse OpenJ9 and IBM J9.
It seems https://github.com/jamezp/wildfly-core/commit/cf2c7cfc4ea751495d23552a4e82ee9c079ef5f3 was not backported: JmxControlledStateNotificationsTestCase, RespawnTestCase, and RespawnHttpTestCase tests fail on AdoptOpenJDK 11 + OpenJ9.
- clones
JBEAP-17881 Fix WF-Core test suite tests to work with Eclipse OpenJ9
- Closed
WFCORE-4690 Fix test suite tests to work with Eclipse OpenJ9
- Closed