Resolution: Won't Do
Updates to technical accuracy and completeness for section "Externalize HTTP Sessions to Red Hat Data Grid" in the Configuration Guide for EAP 7.3 beta.
Feedback from amanukya@redhat.com:
- CLI commands only in docs is not helpful. Not everyone uses the EAP. Should provide more XML examples that result from CLI steps.
- Cannot find the `hotrod-session-management` configuration procedure.
1. create remote-cache-container in infinispan subsystem:
<remote-cache-container name="web-sessions" default-remote-cluster="rhdg-server-cluster" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.hotrod">
<remote-cluster name="rhdg-server-cluster" socket-bindings="remote-jdg-server1"/>
2. Create the following cache configuration in infinispan subsystem `web` cache-container:
<invalidation-cache name="sessionCache">
<hotrod-store remote-cache-container="web-sessions" fetch-state="false" purge="false" passivation="false" shared="true" />
<locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
3. Set in `socket-binding-group` the following:
<outbound-socket-binding name="remote-jdg-server1">
<remote-destination host="" port="11222"/>
4. Set in distributable-web subsystem the following:
<hotrod-session-management name="default" remote-cache-container="web-sessions" cache-configuration="default" granularity="SESSION||ATTRIBUTE">
- is related to
JBEAP-22360 Updates to the Infinispan chapter of the EAP Configuration Guide
- Closed