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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-18560

[GSS](7.2.z) WFLY-13009 - moduleAvailability message is sent before module has started


      When EJBs are deployed in a clustered server environment, moduleAvailability messages are sent from the server to all connected EJB client applications in order to inform the client that the module is available on that node.

      The sending of moduleAvailability messages involves the DeploymentRepository, which records which modules are deployed, and the ModuleAvailabilityListener, which is a DeploymentRepositoryListener which gets called at various stages of module deployment (adding, starting, stopping).

      It looks as though moduleAvailability message are being sent earlier than they should be; in other words, sent when the module is added to the repository and not when the module is later started. This can cause client invocations on the module to return a NoSuchEJBException even after the moduleAvailability message has been sent to the client, causing what is seen in EJBCLIENT-362.

              rachmato@redhat.com Richard Achmatowicz
              rhn-support-jbaesner Joerg Baesner
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
