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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-17745

[GSS](7.2.z) @PreDestroy not called on view scoped using CDI.


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      I'm attaching a reproducer.

      You will see that only the last bean will be removed

      I'm attaching a reproducer. Deploy the reproducer access http://localhost:8080/bean Click F5 Click to invalidate sesssion You will see that only the last bean will be removed

      Method annotated with @PreDestroy is not called when the page is refreshed using F5. This was the test:

      • Every time I click F5 the page refreshes and a new View Scoped bean is created.
      • Whenever I redirect to another page, the current View Scope bean is destroyed.
      • Whenever I invalidate the session, ONLY the latest View Scoped beans that was created is destroyed

      When I click F5 the view scoped bean is not destroyed but a new bean is created. Thus, the old bean is not removed any time.

            rhn-support-rmartinc Ricardo Martin Camarero
            rhn-support-rhsilva Rhuan Rocha (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
