Resolution: Done
7.0.0.DR13 (Alpha)
Service.bat script allows running EAP as service on windows. This script was in jboss-eap-native-utils-7.0.0.DR8-win6.x86_64.zip. But EAP 7.0.0.DR13 don't have jboss-eap-native-utils. This script needs prunmgr.exe and prunsrv.exe files.
JBoss Core Services should contains prunmgr.exe and prunsrv.exe files (EAP7-454).
service.bat should be in EAP distribution in EAP_HOME/bin/init.d folder (in this folder is scripts for running EAP as service on RHEL).
Script should check, if prunmgr.exe and prunsrv.exe files are present in JBoss Core Services. If not, error message should be printed. This should be also described in documentation.
- Productization issue for service.bat (wrong file content):
JBEAP-749 - Productization repo for jboss-eap-native-utils http://pkgs.devel.redhat.com/cgit/rpms/jboss-eap-native-utils/tree/?h=jb-ep-7.0-xb
- git repo for this script: https://github.com/tfonteyn/jboss7service.bat
- feature request for this script: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PRODMGT-219
- incorporates
JBEAP-749 Wrong script for server service on Windows
- Closed
- is blocked by
JBCS-28 Unify jbcs-jsvc content and directory layout across the platforms
- Closed
- is related to
JBEAP-2884 Run EAP as a Service on Windows works again, so it should be described in documentation
- Closed
JBEAP-5374 Missing productization changes on scripts
- Verified
JBEAP-2181 Chapter about of running EAP as a Service on Windows contains TODO and is not finished in installation guide
- Closed
JBEAP-2880 Scripts for running EAP as service on Windows should have better error message
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-2078 Scripts for running EAP as service on RHEL are missing
- Closed
JBEAP-7045 [GSS](7.2.0) Startup error when started as system service
- Closed
JBEAP-13983 [GSS](7.1.z) Startup error when started as system service
- Closed
JBEAP-13984 [GSS](7.0.z) Startup error when started as system service
- Closed