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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-17632

Users should scale down before delete for safe removal of Operator project


      This one is to make sure that behaviour implemented by WFWIP-207 will be documented.

      In short, EAP7-1258 introduces the EAP Operator, EAP7-1192 is adding the transaction recovery to the operator capabilities. EAP7-1192 could cause the Operator delete to hang indefinitely. WFWIP-207 should make sure that delete operation will act more like a clean-up than a graceful shutdown of running EAP pods. In case that user wants to make sure, that no data will be lost prior to delete, (s)he should manually scale down to 0 and than run the delete.

              snelluli@redhat.com Sreelatha Nelluli
              pkremens@redhat.com Petr Kremensky (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
