Resolution: Done
EJB WFLYEJB0473: JNDI bindings for ... ejb: is not correct when there is not an appName
EAP 7.2 is logging the ejb: JNDI binding 'ejb:ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello' which can be used by remote clients, but when the deployment is not an ear there is not an an AppName/ModuleName.
the format is: ejb: appName / moduleName / distinctName / EJBName!EJBInterface
For a deployment ejb-client.jar, the EJB it seeing appName == moduleName == ejb-client. But the way it has worked is if there is no sub deployment, then the appName is considered "", making the lookup: ejb:/ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello
If the ejb-client.jar was packaged in app.ear, then the lookup would be ejb:app/ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello
So all of that to say, there should be a / in the binding name when there is not an appName (ie not in an ear or not a subdeployment).
@Resource(lookup = "java:app/AppName") private String appName; @Resource(lookup = "java:module/ModuleName") private String moduleName;
INFO [org.jboss.as.ejb3.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-5) WFLYEJB0473: JNDI bindings for session bean named 'Hello' in deployment unit 'deployment "ejb-client.jar"' are as follows: java:global/ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello java:app/ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello java:module/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello java:jboss/exported/ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello ejb:ejb-client/Hello!com.jboss.examples.ejb.Hello java:global/ejb-client/Hello java:app/ejb-client/Hello java:module/Hello
// log EJB's ejb:/ namespace binding final String ejbNamespaceBindingName = sessionBean.isStateful() ? ejbNamespaceBindingBaseName + "!" + viewClassName + "?stateful" : ejbNamespaceBindingBaseName + "!" + viewClassName; logBinding(jndiBindingsLogMessage, ejbNamespaceBindingName);
- clones
WFLY-11848 EJB WFLYEJB0473: JNDI bindings for ... ejb: is not correct when there is not an appName
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-18688 [GSS](7.2.z) ejb: binding should not be listed if there is no Remote interface
- Closed
JBEAP-18715 [GSS](7.3.z) ejb: binding should not be listed if there is no Remote interface
- Closed
WFLY-10049 ejb: lookup logged at startup is incorrect
- Closed
JBEAP-16706 [GSS](7.2.z) Log EJB IIOP binding when deploying IIOP enabled EJB
- Closed
JBEAP-14273 Server log messages does not reflect the use of "distinct" naming for EJB's
- Closed
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