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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-16517

[GSS](7.2.z) CXF-7990 - CXF goes in Infinite loop when service endpoint throws SOAPFaultException


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      Use the reproducer attached to the issue.

      There you will find the client and the server source, and also the deployable packages in target directory.

      Deploy the service/target/jaxws-pojo-service.war into your EAP and launch a request with the client (mvn exec:java).

      Use the reproducer attached to the issue. There you will find the client and the server source, and also the deployable packages in target directory. Deploy the service/target/jaxws-pojo-service.war into your EAP and launch a request with the client (mvn exec:java).

      CXF will stuck in a infinite loop when add a detail element in SoapFault of SOAPFaultException:

      @WebService(name = "MyEchoService", targetNamespace = "urn:echo")
      public class MyEchoService {
      public String echoException(String input) throws SOAPFaultException

      { SOAPFaultException ex; try { ex = wrapToSoapFault(new Exception("hello")); }

      catch (Exception e)

      { // TODO Auto-generated catch block return e.toString(); }

      throw ex;
      private SOAPFaultException wrapToSoapFault(Exception ex) throws Exception

      { SOAPFactory fac = null; try { fac = SOAPFactory.newInstance(); String message = ex.getMessage(); SOAPFault sf = fac.createFault(message, new QName(SOAPConstants.URI_NS_SOAP_1_1_ENVELOPE, "Client")); sf.setFaultString("ERROR"); //Add detail gets cxf goes into infinite loop sf.addDetail().setAttribute("message", message); return new SOAPFaultException(sf); }

      catch (Exception e2)

      { throw e2; }


      https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/CXF/issues/CXF-7990 - CXF goes in Infinite loop when service endpoint throws SOAPFaultException

              rhn-support-ivassile Ilia Vassilev
              aollebla@redhat.com Àngel Ollé Blázquez (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
