Resolution: Done
@Provider annotation doesn't work with ClientRequestFilter
Steps to reproduce:
- https://github.com/xstefank/reproducers/tree/master/jaxrs-filters
- deploy the app
- curl localhost:8080/jaxrs-filters/ping
- remove javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers
- curl localhost:8080/jaxrs-filters/ping
- custom ClientRequestFilter is not invoked
This is violation of chapter 6.1 of jax-rs spec:
A client filter is a class that implements ClientRequestFilter or ClientResponseFilter or both. A container filter is a class that implements ContainerRequestFilter or ContainerResponseFilter, or both. An entity interceptor is a class that implements ReaderInterceptor or WriterInterceptor, or both. Filters and entity interceptors are providers and, as such, may be annotated with @Provider for automatic discovery.
Documentation - The fix will be adding new system property "resteasy.client.providers.annotations.disabled" which will allow previous behavior – to disable scanning of client providers by @Provider annotation.
- blocks
JBEAP-16676 [7.3] GA RN tracker
- Closed
- clones
RESTEASY-2084 @Provider annotation doesn't work with ClientRequestFilter
- Resolved