Resolution: Duplicate
public void testPutNullError() { //when//then cache.put("key", null); cache.get("key", String.class); }
We get
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cached value is not of required type [java.lang.String]: org.infinispan.spring.provider.NullValue@76f7d241
JavaDoc for this method states this method does not make difference between cached null and null value.
Note: This variant of
{@code get}does not allow for differentiating
between a cached
{@code null}value and no cache entry found at all.
Use the standard
{@link #get(Object)}variant for that purpose instead.
- clones
ISPN-9705 SpringCache Put null value and get(key, clazz) IllegalStateException
- Closed
- incorporates
ISPN-10001 Local Infinispan read-write caches become stale on rollback
- Closed
- is duplicated by
JBEAP-16454 [GSS](7.2.z) ISPN-10001: Local Infinispan read-write caches become stale on rollback
- Closed
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-15851 [ENG] (7.2.z) Upgrade Infinispan from 9.3.3.Final to 9.3.6.Final
- Closed
- relates to
HHH-12457 Loading...