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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-16098

(7.2.z) HHH-13172 - Log a warning instead of throwing an Exception when @AttributeOverride is used in conjunction with inheritance


    • Workaround Exists
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      Remove @AttributeOverride and @AttributeOverrides on subclass(es) in an entity hierarchy.

      Remove @AttributeOverride and @AttributeOverrides on subclass(es) in an entity hierarchy.

      Starting in 5.3.2 (due to HHH-12654), a MappingException is thrown if @AttributeOverride or @AttributeOverrides is used on a subclass in an entity hierarchy.

      Those annotations should be allowed for TABLE_PER_CLASS hierarchies, but Hibernate does not support it yet.

      Until HHH-12654 was fixed, Hibernate simply ignored those annotations.

      The exception is causing problems for existing applications because the SessionFactory can no longer be built.

      HHH-13172 logs a warning instead, that says that the mapping is ignored.

              gbadner@redhat.com Gail Badner (Inactive)
              gbadner@redhat.com Gail Badner (Inactive)
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