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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-15845

[fr_FR] [Management Console] Garbled characters observed on the management console UI fro fr_FR locale.


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      1. Log in to management console
      2. Select locale as fr_FR from settings.
      3. Observe the UI

      1. Log in to management console 2. Select locale as fr_FR from settings. 3. Observe the UI

      When user runs the management console in fr_FR locale, garbled characters are observed at many places. This is mostly due to accented characters in French. For e.g. parameters in French is written as paramètres. However here it is displayed as - paramètres. So most likely accented character 'è' is the cause as this is seen at many places for similar words containing this character. Please refer attached screenshot.

      Jboss-EAP 7.2.0.GA

      Steps to reproduce-
      1. Log in to management console
      2. Select locale as fr_FR from settings.
      3. Observe the UI

      Actual result:
      Garbage characters observed on the UI at many places.

      Expected result:
      No garbage characters. Display should be proper.

              hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
              bbarve@redhat.com Bhushan Barve
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