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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-15492

CD 13 documentation 'oc new-app' instruction fails mysteriously due to use of quoted values



      Section 2.4, Item 1 specifies:

      oc new-app --template=eap-cd-basic-s2i \
       -p IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE="eap-demo" \
       -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL="https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts" \
       -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF="openshift" \
       -p CONTEXT_DIR="kitchensink"

      But this fails due to the quoting of the values of the IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE, SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF and CONTEXT_DIR params.

      Quoting IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE failed as follows:

      $ oc new-app --template=eap-cd-https-s2i  -p IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=“eap-demo”  -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_URL="https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts"  -p SOURCE_REPOSITORY_REF=“openshift”  -p CONTEXT_DIR=“kitchensink”
      --> Deploying template "eap-demo/eap-cd-https-s2i" to project eap-demo
           JBoss EAP CD (with https)
           An example JBoss Enterprise Application Platform continuous delivery application configured with secure communication using HTTPS. For more information about using this template, see https://github.com/jboss-container-images/jboss-eap-7-openshift-image/blob/eap-cd/README.adoc
           A new JBoss EAP CD based application with SSL support has been created in your project. Please be sure to create the following secrets: "eap7-app-secret" containing the keystore.jks file used for serving secure content; "eap7-app-secret" containing the jgroups.jceks file used for securing JGroups communications.
           * With parameters:
              * Application Name=eap-app
              * Custom https Route Hostname=
              * Git Repository URL=https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts
              * Git Reference=“openshift”
              * Context Directory=“kitchensink”
              * Queues=
              * Topics=
              * Server Keystore Secret Name=eap7-app-secret
              * Server Keystore Filename=keystore.jks
              * Server Keystore Type=
              * Server Certificate Name=
              * Server Keystore Password=
              * AMQ cluster password=FW2loWV5 # generated
              * Github Webhook Secret=OJa0h6Ly # generated
              * Generic Webhook Secret=glhwMKR1 # generated
              * ImageStream Namespace=“eap-demo”
              * JGroups Secret Name=eap7-app-secret
              * JGroups Keystore Filename=jgroups.jceks
              * JGroups Certificate Name=
              * JGroups Keystore Password=
              * JGroups Cluster Password=NpKY8HRg # generated
              * Deploy Exploded Archives=false
              * Maven mirror URL=
              * Maven Additional Arguments=-Dcom.redhat.xpaas.repo.jbossorg
              * ARTIFACT_DIR=
              * MEMORY_LIMIT=1Gi
      W0920 17:33:04.113478   97173 newapp.go:1210] Unable to check for circular build input: Unable to check for circular build input/outputs: imagestreams.image.openshift.io "eap-cd-openshift" is forbidden: User "bstansbe@redhat.com" cannot get imagestreams.image.openshift.io in the namespace "“eap-demo”": no RBAC policy matched
      --> Creating resources ...
          service "eap-app" created
          service "secure-eap-app" created
          service "eap-app-ping" created
          route "eap-app" created
          route "secure-eap-app" created
          imagestream "eap-app" created
          error: BuildConfig.build.openshift.io "eap-app" is invalid: spec.strategy.sourceStrategy.from.namespace: Invalid value: "“eap-demo”": must be a valid namespace
          deploymentconfig "eap-app" created
      --> Failed

      Remove the quotes from "eap-demo" and the 'oc new-app' command succeeds, but the image build fails, with this in the build log:

      Cloning "https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts " ...
      error: fatal: Couldn't find remote ref “openshift”
      Unexpected end of command stream

      Next remove the quotes from "openshift" and the 'oc new-app' command succeeds, but the image build fails, with this in the build log:

      Cloning "https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts " ...
      	Commit:	d2d5a9f532398ac7c71bd78c36d886abc54deec3 (Merge pull request #2089 from emmartins/openshift)
      	Author:	Sande Gilda <sgilda@redhat.com>
      	Date:	Mon Jul 9 15:42:38 2018 -0400
      error: provided context directory does not exist: “kitchensink”

      Next remove the quotes from "kitchensink" and the build succeeds. But, IMO we might as well remove the quotes from "https://github.com/jboss-developer/jboss-eap-quickstarts" in order to be consistent. The build succeeds with or without those quotes.

            rhn-support-chuffman Christian Huffman
            bstansbe@redhat.com Brian Stansberry
            Stanislav Kaleta Stanislav Kaleta (Inactive)
            Stanislav Kaleta Stanislav Kaleta (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
