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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-15105

Update documentation for deployment-overlay


      The Configuration Guide for EAP 7.1 at 7.6.3. "Override Deployment Content" says:
      "It allows you to override deployment descriptors, JAR files, classes, JSP pages, and other files at runtime without rebuilding the archive."

      However, the actual deployment-overlay feature does not apply to all jar files. It works on jar files located in the lib directory of an ear but not top-level jars in the root of the ear. Thus the documentation is a bit confusing and should be updated.

      Perhaps the easiest change would be to replace "JAR files" with "library JAR files" or similar.

              rhn-support-ahoffer Andrea Hoffer
              rhn-support-dboeren David Boeren
              Michal Jurc Michal Jurc
              Michal Jurc Michal Jurc
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
