Resolution: Done
Following instructions in [1], a consumer MDB can be deployed, and connected to a remote queue using a newly configured pooled connection factory "activemq-remote-ra".
However, the default local "activemq-ra" connection pool is still needed, even if not used. If the following section of the standalone-full.xml is commented:
<pooled-connection-factory name="activemq-ra" entries="java:/JmsXA java:jboss/DefaultJMSConnectionFactory" connectors="in-vm" transaction="xa"/> <in-vm-connector name="in-vm" server-id="0"> <param name="buffer-pooling" value="false"/> </in-vm-connector>
The following error is thrown during MDB deployment:
17:37:50,353 INFO [org.jboss.as.ejb3] (MSC service thread 1-2) WFLYEJB0042: Started message driven bean 'HelloWorldQueueMDB' with 'activemq-remote-ra' resource adapter 17:37:50,413 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("deploy") failed - address: ([("deployment" => "jboss-helloworld-mdb.war")]) - failure description: { "WFLYCTL0412: Required services that are not installed:" => ["jboss.naming.context.java.jboss.DefaultJMSConnectionFactory"], "WFLYCTL0180: Services with missing/unavailable dependencies" => ["jboss.naming.context.java.module.jboss-helloworld-mdb.jboss-helloworld-mdb.DefaultJMSConnectionFactory is missing [jboss.naming.context.java.jboss.DefaultJMSConnectionFactory]"] }
- is cloned by
JBEAP-14716 [7.1] DefaultJMSConnectionFactory still needed even if using new pooled-connection-factory for remote connections
- Closed
JBEAP-14717 [7.1] DefaultJMSConnectionFactory still needed even if using new pooled-connection-factory for remote connections
- Closed