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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-14574

[7.1] [Configuring Messaging] configuring of external-context bindings in AMQ 7 use case should be better explained


      Book: Configuring Messaging
      Chapter: Resource Adapters
      Link: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_enterprise_application_platform/7.1/html/configuring_messaging/resource_adapters#configure_eap_to_use_a_remote_jboss_amq_server

      In the step 5 (settings external-context bindings for queue MY_QUEUE), there should be a note that similar record (to record [1]) is needed for each destination in AMQ 7 which wants to be accessible from the EAP.

      There is also missing note/example how to configure topic. The topic must use topic prefix instead of queue prefix, e.g. [2].

      There is also missing explanation why this configuration is needed. It is actually mapping between JNDI name and AMQ 7 core name. In the string "queue.MY_QUEUE", the MY_QUEUE represents JNDI name and the value property represents the core name of queue.

      The JNDI name is registered at step 6 [3]. In this step it is defined mapping between EAP's JNDI name (java:/MY_QUEUE) and AMQ 7 JNDI name (java:global/remoteContext/MY_QUEUE). AMQ 7 JNDI name consists of two parts:

      • java:global/remoteContext/ - this is just prefix which is defined in step 5
      • MY_QUEUE - this is JNDI name of queue which is also used in [1] and which I mentioned in the previous paragraph.


      <property name="queue.MY_QUEUE" value="MY_QUEUE"/>


      <property name="topic.MY_TOPIC" value="MY_TOPIC"/>


      <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:2.0">
          <lookup name="java:/MY_QUEUE" lookup="java:global/remoteContext/MY_QUEUE"/>

              sgilda_jira Sande Gilda (Inactive)
              sgilda_jira Sande Gilda (Inactive)
              Erich Duda Erich Duda (Inactive)
              Erich Duda Erich Duda (Inactive)
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