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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-14434

[GSS](7.1.z) JBJCA-1370: Disable PoolConfiguration.isPrefill when initialSize is 0


    • Release Notes
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      The configuration below (or the XA datasource equivalent) can be used to observe the issue (i.e. 5 connections will be opened, given the below, when the idle remover thread runs even if the pool is/has never been used).

      The configuration below (or the XA datasource equivalent) can be used to observe the issue (i.e. 5 connections will be opened, given the below, when the idle remover thread runs even if the pool is/has never been used). <pool> <min-pool-size>5</min-pool-size> <prefill> false </prefill> <use-strict-min> false </use-strict-min> ... </pool> ... <timeout> <idle-timeout-minutes>1</idle-timeout-minutes> ... </timeout>
    • EAP 7.1.3

      When the idle remover thread runs for a datasource pool, prefill is triggered even if prefill is set to false and if the pool has never been used.

            yborgess1@redhat.com Yeray Borges Santana
            rhn-support-sfikes Stephen Fikes (Inactive)
            Jiří Bílek Jiří Bílek (Inactive)
            Jiří Bílek Jiří Bílek (Inactive)
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