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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-14156

[GSS](7.0.z) Need to handle a http post method on picketlink sp authentication


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • 7.0.0.GA
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      IDP - idp_standalone.zip
      1. Unzip new EAP 7.0 zip package.
      2. Unzip idp_standalone.zip under the <IDP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/standalone.
      3. Execute <IDP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/bin/standalone.sh
      port-offset 100 has been already set in standalone.xml

      SP - sp_standalone.zip
      4. Unzip new EAP 7.0 zip package.
      5. Unzip sp_standalone.zip under the <SP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/standalone.
      6. Execute <SP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/bin/standalone.sh

      7. Open the the following URL:<http://localhost:8080/sales-post/freezone/post-test-main.jsp>
      8. Enter a Test Data in the input field of Post Test Main section and click the submit button.
      9. Enter tomcat/tomcat in the Username/Password and click the Login button.
      10. You can confirm a Test Data of null on <http://localhost:8080/sales-post/post-test.jsp>

      SP(EAP 6) - sp_standalone_eap6.zip
      4. Unzip new EAP 6.4 zip package.
      5. Unzip sp_standalone_eap6.zip under the <SP server path>/jboss-eap-6.4/standalone.
      6. Execute <SP server path>/jboss-eap-6.4/bin/standalone.sh
      port-offset 200 has been already set in standalone.xml

      7. Open the the following URL:<http://localhost:8280/sales-post/freezone/post-test-main.jsp>
      8. Enter a Test Data in the input field of Post Test Main section and click the submit button.
      9. Enter tomcat/tomcat in the Username/Password and click the Login button.
      10. You can confirm a Test Data which entered by #8 on <http://localhost:8280/sales-post/post-test.jsp>

      IDP - idp_standalone.zip 1. Unzip new EAP 7.0 zip package. 2. Unzip idp_standalone.zip under the <IDP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/standalone. 3. Execute <IDP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/bin/standalone.sh port-offset 100 has been already set in standalone.xml SP - sp_standalone.zip 4. Unzip new EAP 7.0 zip package. 5. Unzip sp_standalone.zip under the <SP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/standalone. 6. Execute <SP server path>/jboss-eap-7.0/bin/standalone.sh 7. Open the the following URL:< http://localhost:8080/sales-post/freezone/post-test-main.jsp > 8. Enter a Test Data in the input field of Post Test Main section and click the submit button. 9. Enter tomcat/tomcat in the Username/Password and click the Login button. 10. You can confirm a Test Data of null on < http://localhost:8080/sales-post/post-test.jsp > SP(EAP 6) - sp_standalone_eap6.zip 4. Unzip new EAP 6.4 zip package. 5. Unzip sp_standalone_eap6.zip under the <SP server path>/jboss-eap-6.4/standalone. 6. Execute <SP server path>/jboss-eap-6.4/bin/standalone.sh port-offset 200 has been already set in standalone.xml 7. Open the the following URL:< http://localhost:8280/sales-post/freezone/post-test-main.jsp > 8. Enter a Test Data in the input field of Post Test Main section and click the submit button. 9. Enter tomcat/tomcat in the Username/Password and click the Login button. 10. You can confirm a Test Data which entered by #8 on < http://localhost:8280/sales-post/post-test.jsp >

      It is not able to get the form data which stepped over the saml certification of EAP 7's picketlink. EAP 6 was able to get it.

              jondruse@redhat.com Jiri Ondrusek
              rhn-support-bmaxwell Brad Maxwell
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
