Incorporate rhn-engineering-rhusar's feedback into the release notes:
- "For more information, see Elytron Integration with the ModCluster
Subsystem in How to Configure Server Security." -> the mod_cluster
project is unfortunately very poorly named but until we rename it,
when referring to the project stylize as "mod_cluster" not
"ModCluster".- "New Load Balancing Profile" should really be "New Load Balancer Profile"
- clicking on "See Known Issues for JBoss EAP 7.1.0" without being
logged in yields "The requested filter doesn't exist or is private.
Try logging in." - that doesn't seem right.- looks to me is missing a
mention - but I think Paul Ferraro will bring that up when he does the
doc review (today)
- blocks
JBEAP-12533 EAP 7.1 GA Release Notes Tracker
- Closed