Resolution: Done
This is followup on JBEAP-13445 fix.
Book: development_guide
Section:15.2. Configure Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) Security:
After this fix these commands are not valid anymore:
/subsystem=elytron/policy=policy-provider-a:add(custom-policy=[{name=policy-provider-a, class-name=MyPolicyProviderA, module=x.y.z}])
And shuld be now
/subsystem=elytron/policy=policy-provider-a:add(custom-policy={class-name=MyPolicyProviderA, module=x.y.z})
As default-policy is now deprecated and ignored, I suggest remove this paragraph:
"The elytron subsystem provides a specific resource definition that can be used to configure a default Java policy provider. The subsystem allows you to define multiple policy providers but select a single one as the default:"
After this fix only one of custom-policy and jacc-policy can be configured. Not both in one moment.
3. default-policy is referenced also in A.3. Policy Provider Properties, which is also not true anymore
"The name of a default policy provider. If this is not specified then the name of the resource will be used. "
In model description we have
"deprecated" =>
- relates to
JBEAP-13445 Elytron subsystem policy resource management API is incorrect
- Closed