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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-13242

Documentation about EJB+transactions in a clustered environment


      Trying to summarize in short what should be documented:

      • transactions against a specific node
        • the InitialContext for invoking EJBs contains a PROVIDER_URL property pointing at a specific cluster node
        • the client looks up a txn:RemoteUserTransaction and some EJBs from the InitialContext
        • after the transaction begins, all EJB invocations are bound to that specific node
        • after the transaction ends, the affinity is released and the EJB proxies get a general cluster affinity
      • lazily created transactions (the node is picked automatically)
        • the InitialContext for invoking EJBs doesn't contain any PROVIDER_URL property
        • the client looks up a txn:RemoteUserTransaction and some EJBs from the InitialContext
        • after the transaction begins, one cluster node is selected automatically and all EJB invocations are bound to that specific node
        • after the transaction ends, the affinity is released and the EJB proxies get a general cluster affinity

      Please contact primarily the SME, n1hility, for more details

      This is for JBEAP-12998, which is a de facto RFE, although wasn't handled using an EAP7 RFE jira.

              sgilda_jira Sande Gilda (Inactive)
              jmartisk@redhat.com Jan Martiska
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