Resolution: Done
org.jboss.as.test.integration.web.security.tg.TransportGuaranteeTestCase successful execution depends on presence of application.keystore file in standalone configuration directory. There is a task defined in pom.xml named ts.integ.web.copy-keystores which should copy the required resources from target file of shared module. Since the web module doesn't depend on shared module, there is no way one can guarantee that target directory of the shared module will exist - it does not in our automation.
The test could pass in case that org.jboss.as.test.integration.web.handlers.RequestDumpingHandlerTestCase is run prior it (this test seem to generate an own application.keystore).
cd testsuite/integration/web rm -rf ../../shared/target/ mvn clean test -Dtest=TransportGuaranteeTestCase Results : Tests in error: TransportGuaranteeTestCase.testTransportGuaranteedAnnotation:221->performRequestsAndCheck:235->checkGetURL:189 TransportGuaranteeTestCase.testTransportGuaranteedDD:226->performRequestsAndCheck:235->checkGetURL:189 TransportGuaranteeTestCase.testTransportGuaranteedMixed:231->performRequestsAndCheck:235->checkGetURL:189 Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0
- is caused by
JBEAP-11142 Modify 'integration/web/security/...' tests to be able to run with Elytron - followup
- Closed
- is cloned by
WFLY-9376 TransportGuaranteeTestCase fails due to missing application.keystore
- Closed