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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-12263

standalone.bat restart EAP unexpectedly


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      change the IF statament in standalone.bat/domain.bat as follows.

      if %ERRORLEVEL%==10 goto RESTART
      if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 10 goto RESTART

      change the IF statament in standalone.bat/domain.bat as follows. if %ERRORLEVEL%==10 goto RESTART or if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 10 goto RESTART
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      • Reported case
      • When the OS shutting down during EAP is still running. (exit code 143)
      • Shutting down with Ctrl+C and answering No for question of "Terminate batch job <Y/N>?". (exit code 130)
      Reported case When the OS shutting down during EAP is still running. (exit code 143) Shutting down with Ctrl+C and answering No for question of "Terminate batch job <Y/N>?". (exit code 130)

      Description of problem:

      By the following code in standalone.bat, domain.bat, EAP restarts unexpectedly when the ERRORLEVEL set more than 10.
      > if ERRORLEVEL 10 goto RESTART

      For example, when Shutting down Windows while EAP is running, exit code is set as 143 and EAP is restarted.
      Originally, EAP expect 10 for restarting.
      The value is defined as the following constant.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
      6.x, 7.x

            rstancel@redhat.com Radovan Stancel
            rstancel@redhat.com Radovan Stancel
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