When elytron profile of testsuite enabled, DefaultManagedThreadFactoryTestCase fails, because caller principal is not passed into new thread:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: the caller principal anonymous is not the expected guest (TestEJBRunnable.java:70)
Lets have:
new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/EJBContext").getCallerPrincipal()
- On DefaultManagedThreadFactoryTestEJB:63 (in EJB, but outside of new thread yet) it gives correctly "guest".
- On DefaultManagedThreadFactoryTestEJB:70 (inside Runnable) it gives "anonymous".
- blocks
JBEAP-9051 Tracking JIRA for tests failing with Elytron profile in AS TS
- Closed
JBEAP-11560 Fix tests which currently fail with -Dwildfly.tmp.enable.elytron.profile.tests
- Closed
- is cloned by
WFLY-9078 No caller principal in new thread created from EJB (elytron)
- Closed