With EAP 7.0's EJB client it is possible to set various XNIO/Remoting options for EJB client connections (for example, these are the ones available for XNIO https://github.com/xnio/xnio/blob/3.x/api/src/main/java/org/xnio/Options.java). We need a way to be able to set them with the new ways of EJB client usage - when configuring via a programmatic EJB client context builder, wildfly-config.xml, or PROVIDER_URL, as opposed to the legacy ways - jboss-ejb-client.properties and scoped context properties.
- is blocked by
REM3-295 Add ability to configure connections in endpoint builder and XML
- Resolved
- is caused by
EJBCLIENT-264 Late connection failures can cause a hang
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-12888 Upgrade JBoss EJB Client to 4.0.1.Final
- Closed