Resolution: Done
Elytron client, wildfly-config.xml, User is not able to use credential-store-reference with clear-text password to access credential store. Store name and alias must be incorrectly defined.
There must work these two scenarious:
- User uses only clear-text password <credential-store-reference clear-text="pass123"/>
- User uses password obtained from another credential store <credential-store-reference store="CS_STORE_NAME" alias="pwd"/> and both "store" and "alias" must be defined.
I see problem in ElytronXmlParser [1], where is always used "storeName" and then "alias" to create new CredentialStoreCredentialSource(credentialStore, alias);
How to reproduce
- Please use files which are attached
- set right path to cs.jceks in wildfly-config.xml
- run EAP server
- run client
[hsvabek@dhcp-10-40-5-166 bin]$ ./jboss-cli.sh -c -Dwildfly.config.url=wildfly-config.xml java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: org.wildfly.client.config.ConfigXMLParseException: ELY09503: Credential store name "null" not defined at file:/home/hsvabek/securityworkspace/VERIFICATION/2017_06_08_wfly-config.xml/jboss-eap-7.1/bin/wildfly-config.xml:9:4: ELY09503: Credential store name "null" not defined at file:/home/hsvabek/securityworkspace/VERIFICATION/2017_06_08_wfly-config.xml/jboss-eap-7.1/bin/wildfly-config.xml:9:4
When you set correct store to credential-store-reference, then you get error about "alias is required..."
- is cloned by
ELY-1238 Elytron client, wildfly-config.xml, User is not able to use credential-store-reference with clear-text password to access credential store. Store name and alias must be incorrectly defined.
- Resolved
- relates to
JBEAP-11451 Elytron client, elytron-1_0.xsd, protection-parameter-credentials is incorrectly defined as client-credentials-type.
- Closed