Removing a http-connector with allow-resource-service-restart set to true will yield the following result:
{ "operation" => "remove", "address" => [ ("subsystem" => "remoting"), ("http-connector" => "ejb3-tests") ], "operation-headers" => {"allow-resource-service-restart" => true} } {"outcome" => "success"}
However, the removal of http-connector will only register after full server reload.
- is cloned by
WFCORE-3077 Operation removing http-connector requires full server reload but does not change the server state accordingly
- Resolved
JBEAP-14948 Create integration test for JBEAP-11074 - Operation removing http-connector requires full server reload but does not change the server state accordingly
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-10576 Server reload missing in tearDown method of EjbElytronDomainSetup
- Closed