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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-11030

Incomplete list of available EAP configuration ways


      Book: Configuration guide
      Revision: 8269454
      Issue description: In 'Chapter 3. JBoss EAP Management' there are mentioned just 2 ways how EAP can be configured - using CLI or Web console. These are not all possible options.
      Suggestion for improvement:
      Instead of
      'JBoss EAP can be configured using the command-line management CLI or the web-based management console. Changes made using these management interfaces persist automatically and the XML configuration files are overwritten by the Management API.'
      there should be something like
      'JBoss EAP can be configured using the command-line management CLI, the web-based management console, Java API or HTTP API. The recommended ways are CLI and management console. Changes made using these management interfaces persist automatically and the XML configuration files are overwritten.'

            rhn-support-ahoffer Andrea Hoffer
            rhn-support-ahoffer Andrea Hoffer
            Pavel Jelinek Pavel Jelinek
            Pavel Jelinek Pavel Jelinek
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
