Wildfly Elytron Tool, credential-store command "add" option with --entry-type without argument value pass.
It seems to be little confusing. I prefer error message rather than success.
Reason why it works now is because as a value is used default value for entry-type.
How to reproduce
java -jar ./bin/wildfly-elytron-tool.jar credential-store --add secret_alias --create -l store123.jceks --password pass123 -x test -n
Alias "secret_alias" has been successfully stored
- is cloned by
ELY-1168 Wildfly Elytron Tool, credential-store command "add" option with --entry-type without argument value pass.
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-12266 Upgrade Wildfly-Elytron-Tool to 1.0.0.CR4
- Closed