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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-1098

Problem with creating group(user) with some role.


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      1.In web console go to Access control, groups
      2.Add group
      3.Refresh page => group is deleted

      1.In web console go to Access control,groups
      2.Add group
      3.Click on created group
      4.Include, add role
      5.After adding role group is created and saved in model

      1.In web console go to Access control, groups 2.Add group 3.Refresh page => group is deleted 1.In web console go to Access control,groups 2.Add group 3.Click on created group 4.Include, add role 5.After adding role group is created and saved in model

      When you create group(user) in access control,groups and then refresh the page group is deleted. I think it isn't intuitive to create group and after that you must click on created group, then include and add role for group to really create and save the group.
      Maybe choosing role should be in creation window.

              hpehl@redhat.com Harald Pehl
              pcyprian_jira Patrik Cyprian (Inactive)
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