Feature Request
Resolution: Won't Do
Closing the JBEAP FR as per Brian's comment.
An app with a servlet that is loadOnStartup = 1 that references an EJB3 webservice not defined by a WSDL fails because the EJB3 servlet does not have the same loadOnStartup designator. There is an existing wildFly integration test that demonstrates this. (see org.jboss.as.test.integration.ws.serviceref.ServiceRefWithoutExplicitWsdlServletTestCase)
Also see the original bug filed against this behavior and the comments on the
cause, https://issues.jboss.org/browse/WFLY-3262.
A suggested solution is to add a configuration attribute to @WebContext.
- clones
WFLY-4026 add a configuration attribute to @WebContext to handle EJB3 loadOnStartup > -1 situations
- Closed
- relates to
JBEAP-13014 Remove unused ServiceRefWithoutExplicitWsdlServletTestCase
- Closed