Resolution: Done
In previous versions of EAP (Web subsystem) there was possible to enable resolving hosts for access logging. This is not possible to enable with Undertow.
Steps for enabling in JBoss Web:
This was accomplished by setting resolve-hosts attribute of access-log to true (/subsystem=web/virtual-server=default-host/configuration=access-log:add(resolve-hosts=true)) and enabling lookups for connector (/subsystem=web/connector=http:write-attribute(name=enable-lookups, value=true)).
In Undertow subsystem there is only possible to enable resolving peer address (/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=default:write-attribute(name=resolve-peer-address, value=true)), which doesn't have by itself any impact on output in access-log
- is cloned by
WFLY-5353 Unable to set resolve-hosts for access-log
- Closed