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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-10578

Elytron - Unable authenticate with custom username in JBOSS-LOCAL-USER SASL mechanism


      SASL Authentication fails when custom (non-existing) username is used for JBOSS-LOCAL-USER mechanism. Choosing such a custom username is possible with legacy security. So the SASL authentication using JBOSS-LOCAL-USER behaves differently in Elytron and legacy.

      The full discussion to this topic is tracked in project JIRA ELY-1103.

      If there is a decision to keep the legacy and Elytron behaviors different in this point, then this JIRA should be reused for tracking it in product documentation (Component: Security -> Documentation).

              rhn-support-pnag Priyanka Nag (Inactive)
              josef.cacek@gmail.com Josef Cacek (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
