Resolution: Done
Change the required flag to true for predefined-filter attribute in Elytron subsystem.
Elytron resource type configurable-sasl-server-factory has filters object-list attribute. Its attribute predefined-filter is an alternative for pattern-filter attribute. The pattern-filter has required flag set to true, but predefined-filter has it false. It results in possibility to add empty filter:
/subsystem=elytron/configurable-sasl-server-factory=t1:add(sasl-server-factory=elytron, filters=[{}]) {"outcome" => "success"}
- is cloned by
WFCORE-2712 Elytron - predefined-filter must have flag required in configurable-sasl-server-factory
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-11137 (7.1.0) Upgrade to WildFly Core to 3.0.0.Beta26
- Closed