When we try to list aliases in non-existent credential store storage file then we get success message.
There is expected error message.
How to reproduce:
java -jar wildfly-elytron-tool.jar credential-store --aliases --password pass123 --location store987.jceks --create Credential store contains no aliases
- is cloned by
ELY-1092 CS tool, There is success message when we try to list aliases from non-existent storage file.
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-10431 WildFly Elytron Tool, When we try to find out if alias exists in non-existent credential store storage file then we get success message.
- Closed
JBEAP-11342 Upgrade Wildfly-Elytron-Tool to 1.0.0.Beta7
- Closed
- is related to
JBEAP-10431 WildFly Elytron Tool, When we try to find out if alias exists in non-existent credential store storage file then we get success message.
- Closed