Resolution: Done
There is possibility add EMPTY alias name and EMPTY secret value to credential store storage file through wildfly-elytron-tool.
I expect consistent behaviour as through CLI where isn't possible to do it.
How to reproduce
java -jar wildfly-elytron-tool.jar credential-store --add="" --secret="" --location="/tmp/store02.jceks" --uri "cr-store://store02.jceks?modifiable=true;create=true;keyStoreType=JCEKS" -p pass123
- is cloned by
ELY-1054 CS tool, There is possibility add EMPTY alias name and EMPTY secret value to credential store storage file through wildfly-elytron-tool.
- Resolved
- is incorporated by
JBEAP-10244 Upgrade WildFly Elytron Tool to 1.0.0.Beta4
- Closed