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  1. JBoss Enterprise Application Platform
  2. JBEAP-10021

[Release notes] List of deprecated security-related features is incorrect


    • Release Notes

      The current list of deprecated features lists following items in security related features:

      • realm
      • filesystem-security-realm
      • modifiable-custom-security-realm
      • Operations for identity manipulation on the LDAP and Database security realms

      However, these features are not deprecated, but they are new Elytron features, that are provided as technical preview only in 7.1.0.

      Correct list of deprecated features (I've taken this from the current version of management model) is following:

      • audit
      • security-realm
      • ldap-connection

      Also please note, that these are not attributes, but resources. So the initial description should be

      "The following resources are deprecated because management security is migrated to Elytron based security" ('resources', replacing 'attributes' used in the current text)

            dmichael@redhat.com David Michael (Inactive)
            msvehla@redhat.com Martin Svehla
            Martin Svehla Martin Svehla
            Martin Svehla Martin Svehla
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
