- download distribution from http://machydra.tpb.lab.eng.brq.redhat.com:8080/view/Developer%20Tooling/job/developer-platform-installer-build/label=node_windows/ (link to smaller version, bundled installer has the same problem)
- right-click on downloaded exe file, select Properties, switch to Details tab
- clone git repo
- npm install
- npm run package-simple
- right-click on dist/win/DeveloperPlatformInstaller-win32-x64/DeveloperPlatformInstaller.exe and select Properties, switch to Details tab
- right-click on dist/win/DeveloperPlatformInstaller-win32-x64-0.0.2.exe and select Properties, switch to Details tab
- electron-generate creates exe with correct metadata
- distribution exe contains wrong metadata (e.g. copyright to Igor Pavlov)
- needs to be fixed before we sign the binary
- is duplicated by
JBDS-3729 Wrong installer icon and metadata
- Closed