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  1. Red Hat CodeReady Studio (devstudio)
  2. JBDS-3549

Developer - start and stop the CDK easily from within the IDE


      User Story:

      As a Developer I should be able to start and stop the CDK easily from within the IDE without having to know about internal details like vagrant or command line tools so I can get started quickly.

      Acceptance Criteria:

      • If CDK is not running, clicking start should bring up the CDK and I should be able to use the docker and openshift tooling against the CDK from Eclipse
      • If CDK is running already, clicking start should recognize that and not try to stop/halt it and then I should be able to use the docker and openshift tooling against the CDK from Eclipse
      • If CDK is running, clicking stop should halt the CDK and docker
      • When stopped, the docker and openshift configuraton should still stay in Eclipse, but should not work and give sensible errors when/if failing.

              rob.stryker Rob Stryker (Inactive)
              manderse@redhat.com Max Andersen
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue
